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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mind your Manners...

Manners and etiquete are very important in our society, they are associate with status and wealth. In other words, if you act the part, then it is assumed that you are of high status.
  • Rising to one's feet when being introduced, or when someone enters the room.
  • Ladies do a little curtsey and men greet with a bow.
  • Never turn your back on someone. When you have to remove yourself from the attention or presence of someone, to answer a door, look out the window etc, you always asked to be excused.
  • It was rude to boast, brag or be pretentious. It was considered vulgar. One should always remain humble.

Learning to become a lady with beautiful etiquette is placed as equal to education and is placed with a heavy social responsibility in these days.
In our times, the true foundation of female loveliness is a natural beauty.
Beauty must be natural, with fair and clear skin due to good health, rosy cheeks due to excitement and a zest for life, interesting eyes due to a sharp, educated mind.
Dress must be modest in feminine styles and colours are much preferred.
There is definitely a greater distinction in dress between men and women in our times. There is no room for ambiguity.

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